I just want to say I can not find a church that compares to this one. I went here from age 5 to 18 before I moved away for college. The priests here are one of a kind, always accepting and loving to each person they meet. They truly connect to each person that goes to this church, and there's a lot of people who go to this church! I was super involved in the life teen program when I was in high school, becoming a young disciple my junior year. Through these years I learned so much about myself, and the person I wanted to be with so many adults to look up to and guide me on the right path. I strongly recommend you enrolling your high school student (if you have one) in the program. Especially sign them up for the retreats! Especially LIGHT! I could go on and on about how much this church changed my life and guided me when I needed it the most. St. Thomas More truly is a family and one I was honored to be apart of. I hope you open your heart to this family too! Ever since I have moved away I have not been able to find a church I connected with like this one, which isn't always easy but it makes me appreciate St. Thomas More that much more.
Ps. Go on Sunday's at 5:30 for life teen mass (even if you don't have a high school aged child) because the music is the best this mass time! :)