New name, but same endless string of violation notices about invisible weeds. Each time our management company goes out to check on the property, there are no weeds to be found. Each time I have checked on the property the only areas in need of attention were the common areas and parklands. I'm not sure if we have a paticularly nasty HOA, or if FSR is to blame.
As others have stated, a big problem is the way this company communicates with homeowners. Their treatment of any issue is heavy handed and uncompromising, regardless of how ludicrous the HOA position is. If the draconian attitudes with which homeowners are dealt with is dictated by our HOA, then surely FSR could provide some advice to our board members.
This is our first and no doubt our last experience with an HOA controlled property. It has been an unnecessarily confrontational and unpleasant experience. If it is our HOA that has established these bully tactics, FSR has taken on the role of an unquestioning enforcer and is a complicit partner in the ongoing abuse of both homeowners and tenants.
FRS corporate mission statement says "being genuinely helpful is what defines us". They talk of "opening a door with a friendly smile" . Unfortunately, these words ring hollow.