Final straw: the "we tried & tried to remove the stain" tag, on a $238 Egyptian cotton shirt which I had just purchased, and just taken out of the bag in which it arrived. In other words, a new shirt, never worn -- I can't wear new clothes until they're cleaned or laundered the first time. The "stain" bore the obvious pattern of a machine: an even, stippled array of little circles. Had they been honest & said, "we tried & tried to remove the stain *we created* but can't do it without damaging the garment," at least we could've had a conversation.
Add to this that their dry cleaning process can't seem to remove the smell of sweat from a garment -- a problem I'd never encountered before -- and I must say I'm throwing in the towel (and not returning to see if it comes back clean.)
I'll find someone closer to the office; surely Scottsdale must have one competent and scrupulous dry cleaner.