Rude doesn't even begin to describe this man who told me I did not look like I was in pain when I went to him with a severe migraine. Apparently I needed to be sobbing and curled up in a little ball in order to get any help from him. He then tried to change my heart medications because my blood pressure measured on the high side. He would not listen to anything I said, spoke over me several times and called me argumentative when I told him he wasn't my cardiologist and I wasn't comfortable with him changing my heart medication on our first visit with him.
1. I have never in my life had high blood pressure. The meds I take are for tachycardia
2. My high blood pressure was probably due to severe pain from my MIGRAINE or due to her using a faulty cup (we went and checked it twice and it was perfect!)
3. We walked out and will not be going back.