it looks like a typical place i would NOT eat at... fake nostalgia? BUT the donuts displayed in the window actually looked good and weren't a total rip off. the service lady was very friendly--like what you'd expect at a neighborhood donut joint. a bit sassy and cute (she was an older lady). she is almost all the caffeine anyone needs in the morning.
basic cronut--flaky and fresh--great execution. a very noble copy of the ansel version in nyc. all they need to do is set up a fake line of hipster mannequins (see urban outfitters) which we can cut like a kardashian--then the experience would be truly worth $4 per cronut! (can you say social media picture opp?)
also, maple bacon bar--a delight of sweet and smoky/savory.
i usually go to ronald's donuts on spring mountain--but i do enjoy america's donuts quite a bit (even if it was $6.98 for the two donuts--that's a dozen at ronald's!).
there are a lot of great eateries inside ny ny. definitely way better than being stuck in caesars. they mgm people are doing a great job of making this property very attractive with the many interesting food options that i actually go through the trouble of getting to.