A.I. Root Company, you take the sting out of bees!
From honey, to candles the Root Co. takes the cake. (Honey bee cake to be specific). The A.I. Root Co. has been a staple in Medina for YEARS! They have expanded their flagship store from the old Root that I grew up with (am I dating myself? I hope not!) to a large showroom and showplace. For the candle snob in you, head into the main store. Even if you plan on just browsing, you'll probably end up walking out w/ a little something...if not a lot of something.
Make sure to try the honey made by Root. Even the White House uses over a gallon a month of Root's honey. (yes, it IS that good.)
For the cheaper, less-snobby you....be sure to visit the "Outlet" around the back of the building for a less-than-perfect candle but with all the great Root scent! You'll be sure to find a bargain here.
This is an ideal place to pick up a gift, wedding present, or a little something for yourself. As I sit typing this now I am enjoying Root's "Cinnamon Buns" candle.