THANK GOD FOR YELP!!!!! I by the skin of my teeth. Just now in real time this happened. Had to play it forward. Pay back all the peep that took the time to comment here...Yup cold call and I never give them time of day. But just so happens I needed to search for inks/ toner and did not get to it on my ever growing ToDoList.... You all know the drill! So as I spoke to the 2nd rep to call, to confirm my order. That was the clue. I NEVER ORDERED ANYTHING!!! But form their perspective that is what they are doing. BAIT AND SWITCH For Real. I started a quick Google Search and low and behold... Found nothing good said, TONS of BAD RATINGS from any one except 2 or 3 and that is typically the employees of said company....So Thanks EVERYONE that has commented here, As Justice Was just Served!!!! And my advice for the next guy... Karma is a Bitch , and she has no deadline. They got theirs today!