| - So let me first start by saying it takes a lot for me to write a negative review for anyone. That being said this company is well worth the negative review. My husband, 2yr old son & I live in an apartment. When we moved in our downstairs neighbors had their apartment bombed, we assumed for roaches since we were also having the same problem. Not to long after that, to our horror we discover our apartment is infested with bed bugs. We contacted our landlord to have it treated immediately since im allergic to insect bites and am covered head to toe in bed bug bits(which insanely itch) and I was afraid of them attacking our 2yr old. Our landlord stated he left 4 messages with no response, it was a holiday weekend on top of that so 5 days after our initial complaint we are finally contacted by the pest control company. Long story short, he came out, told us we had bed bugs and recommended we have out apartment bombed, like he did for the downstairs neighbors. I asked him if bombing would work, that I have only ever known heat treatments to work (i worked in pest control unknown to him) he stated that no, heat treatments didn't kill them and bombing would. If you have ever googled if bug bombs or "foggers" kill bed bugs you will NOT find one single article stating they do, infact you could set off a fogger in a glass jar with bed bugs and they wont die. When a bomb is set off they run and hide IN THE WALLS and then they travel. We explained this to our landlord who insisted bed bugs don't travel through walls and cant move from unit to unit. ALL ARTICLES AND TESTS DONE STATE FOGGERS CAUSE THE PROBLEM TO BECOME WORSE AND INFECT OTHER UNITS IN APARTMENTS. So my question is why would a pest control "professional" use something that EVERYONE states doesn't work? Other companies i called laughed when I even mentioned it. We finally got fed up with the run around, contacted the owner of our apartments, who contacted Paul, the owner of this company. He proceeds to tell the owner that my husband and I refused other services and that's why he did the bombing. So i'm guessing the downstairs neighbors, who bombed for bed bugs about a month earlier, and Paul treated their unit too, also refused any other treatment options. And me, who is covered in the most insanely itchy bed bug bites (about 50 covering my whole body) would refuse any kind of HELPFUL service, especially with a 2yr old running around, what mom wouldn't want them playing with bed bugs. No other service was offered, I asked about other services and was told those would do nothing. The truth of the matter is that he is a liar who tried to cover his tracks and no one should have to suffer the way we have, do yourself a favor and do not use this company, DO RESEARCH and if you live in an apartment dont let your landlord push you around, bed bugs are vicious and relentless and it takes a real professional who knows what he is doing to take care of the problem.