The hostess had her nose so far in the air, it should have had snowcaps. Talk about snooty. We made a reservation over the phone, got a babysitter (for the very first time), and dressed up for our big night out - only to find they had "lost" our reservation when we arrived. The restaurant was nearly empty, but she gave us all this crap about "we'll see if we can squeeze you in." Yeah, cause people are really beating down your doors here?
We were finally seated at a tiny table in the very center of the restaurant, elbow-to-elbow with one of the only other couples there. The waitress was nice enough, but the food was just ok and very overpriced. Guess they have to pay that Capitol Square rent somehow.
We wouldn't go back and would not recommend it. If you want a really romantic seafood dinner, try Mariner's Inn.