Super Scam! Beware. I sent my husband in hoping laser treatment on his neck would help his painful ingrown hairs when he got a haircut.
A pretty woman talked him into a 3,000.+ contract just to remove hair from the neck area. And he didn't read what he signed: It was actually a credit card that paid Ideal Image in full and you pay the cc back at 27% interest! How could an intelligent man fall for this? Well he did say the sales lady kept asking him to touch her super-smooth legs...
He had one treatment. It hurt so bad he refused to go back. I called and asked to talk to the doctor and I was told the patients never actually see a doctor. She comes in once a month and signs charts. What a joke. You have been warned. I would rather have hair removed from a distant cousin in his basement than this place.
**Update: The rest of the story. Since they got paid up front for all visits with the credit card, we settled for $1,400. So. $1,400. for one laser treatment on the back of my husband's neck. This was an expensive lesson. I wish I had read their yelp reviews previously. Beware. Go anywhere else but here.