| - I work in the oil patch in Northern Alberta, of course I look forward to my time home on days off. I have a pretty solid routine of my first day home. I take my dog to get my morning coffee (and his timbit), I get a much needed haircut, and I wash my car!
I don't always wash my car, but when I do, I prefer the Big Bucket! Just off the roundabout by the Crowfoot LRT station, you literally can't miss the Big Bucket. It's a really big bucket!
Outdoor vacuums, and a couple options for washing your car. The touchless car wash, or 10 bays for you to pull in and do the job yourself. I prefer to wash it myself. I usually spend $8 to rinse, wash and wax. There is an ATM, Change machine, and a store where you can get detailing items and smelly things to hang from your mirror.