I can't tell you how fortunate I am to have been referred to Dr. Chris. I say this as a person who 3 weeks ago who was barley able to walk and could not drive and now I am back to 90% of where I was. I am a young, healthy, 40 year old man who is competitively athletic and never been to the ER. March 17th 2017 I wound up in the ER with SEVERE and intolerable Sciatic nerve pain going through my hip and down my leg (grown man crying like a baby sort of pain). In the hospital discovered I had a herniated disc between my L4 & L5 vertebrae. As I sat in the hospital with morphine being my only pain relief I listened to a Neurosurgeon tell me he recommend surgery. Luckily, prior to him walking in, I had done a bunch of research and got referrals from friends who had seen Dr. Chris for the exact same disc problem. They told my absolutely do NOT do surgery. I told the Doc no and was in Dr. Chris's off first thing Monday morning for Decompression Therapy on the DRX -9000. I was still in tremendous pain but saw Dr. Chris everyday. After about a week I started to feel some notable relief and stopped taking all pain meds mid that week. I was soon walking a lot better and not long after that driving myself to therapy. I was well enough to sit at my desk a week later and now 3 weeks later I am back to full duty at work. Chris tested my right leg 3 weeks to the day (which previously I could not lift more than a foot off the ground because of the pain from the herniated disc) and on the 7th he was able to lift it all the way up just like my left leg. The DRX-9000 had drawn the bulging disc back in. I can't tell you how thankful I am that I found this man. He was able to bring me back from a condition that prevented me from even doing my job, a condition that made me believe I had no hope and the strong possibly of never working again like I had before. Thank You Dr. Chris . . . . . I am forever in your debt.