Dessert is served!
Why folks come here for the non-dessert options is beyond me. Its like going to a steakhouse and getting only salad. Whats the point?
The Vegas twin of the Manhattan landmark is located right on the strip by Caesars Palace so its hard to miss. The Frozen hot Chocolate in its various incarnations is a staple here which is decent but the hype is a bit extreme over it. Beware of brainfreeze as you slurp it down! I go for the Deep Fried Oreos with cookies and creme ice-cream. Yes, it is a bit over the top, Food porny, crossing the line of decency obscene, but its Vegas right? Since its on the strip as we all know you are paying out the nose for just about anything. Also, since its on the strip, the wait can be pretty long as well. They do have a walk up window that has a limited menu. I also wish they wouldn't blast the crappy teen pop so loud! I am sure the wait staff would be happier without it! Check it out for dessert while on the strip!