So, our buddy Drew picks us up from our hotel to hang out for the day.
"What would you guys like to eat?" he asks.
We were somewhere between zombified and comatose due to lack of sleep and too much booze still pumping through our blood streams.
Between the three of us visitors all we could manage was some kind of grunt, "Grughhh".
Fed up with our antics, Drew took charge and brought us here.....and I still thank him.
I ordered the Reina Pepiada: Chicken, Avocado, Mayo and Cilantro.
So Damn Good!
I was lucky enough to have ordered a Coke because I kept trying to drown my Arepa in their delicious yet very spicy hot sauce. Careful, it catches up to you.
I will now be searching my hometown or counting the days till I can make it back to Vegas to have another round at Viva Las Arepas.