Ok let me start this review by saying I used to go to Misty's back in the day. I am happily married now and me and the wife just don't do the bars anymore. BUT on this rare occasion I decided to get a few friends together and go party at Z Girls club. We went a lil early to catch the "Burlesque" show. We had been there for about an hour and been drinking BUT because the show was about to start they came around and wanted the $5 dollar cover charge for the show. I was flabbergasted. How tacky is that....I can see charging people just coming in but you went around the whole fucking room to collect money from people that were already there WTF - business must be bad! So we paid because we didn't feel like leaving. Lets just say the show was crappy.....not what I expected and the girls were fat. We half assed watched the show and continued to drink. Music was ok but requests never seemed to get played??? We did drink a lil bit and one of my friends was a bit tipsy OK its a bar people!!! She took her shoes off while we were standing at the table and this bouncer/security geek told her to put her shoes back on. OK they were 5 inch stilettos and when she was shoving her foot in she kinda fell over a lil SO this ass decides to kick her out. OMG are you serious. She already stopped drinking and had a bottle of water in her hand. I had already closed my tab out and we were going to be leaving soon anyway but I couldn't believe he wanted us to go. I dropped way too much money in there for them to give us the boot for something like that. We weren't bothering anybody. I have a feeling they treated us like shit because we don't go there often. You could tell they treated the regulars better than the new faces. I don't know it was just a disappointing night. I have read all the other reviews and I agree with most of them. I know several people wont step foot in there because of the owner. I wish Phoenix would get a decent "girl" bar. OH BTW the really pretty bartender quit and the ones left are really old or really fat. I couldn't believe the bartender had this shirt on with her big belly hanging out!!!! LOL what a sight
Do yourself a favor - get your favorite alcoholic beverage and turn your radio up real loud and dance around your living room - you will have more fun :)