Stepping into the Rubaiyat is like stepping into my artist's aunts walk-in closet. A life of hippiedom and travel have left her with a life resplendent with jewelry and clothes and stuff from around the world. I was just bumming around on their website and they call all that stuff "handcrafts" which is definitely one way of calling it.
Rubaiyat's "handcrafts" are pretty varied:
-beautiful silver and semi-precious stone jewelry that is really unique
-glassware like cups and vases and artpieces
-Statues (when in with said aunt, she could name off some of the artists. I don't know if I'd want a statue of distorted people in my house for several hundred dollars, but I'm a plebe. they were definitely unique!)
-Garden stuff
-The odd furniture piece
It's a pretty cool place that I think primarily appeals to the rich bohemians who love this stuff. I love it too, but I only spend that much on a necklace as a gift to my mom!