No joke, I actually witnessed a mugging in this parking lot. I was in my car in the drive thru, and I almost hit a guy who came running out in front of me. Too bad I didn't, because if I had, I would have stopped him from running off with some poor girl's purse! Needless to say, this restaurant has been forever imprinted on my mind as the place where I witnessed a mugging.
However, it was also pretty decent hangover food. I was in Vegas for my 21st birthday when this all occurred, so I was hungover as hell after three crazy nights out with my sorority sisters. I got a bunch of fried food for pretty cheap, and it really helped me on the drive home. Would I recommend this to someone on a diet? Absolutely not! But would I recommend it to someone who just needs to recover from a crazy night at JET or Tryst? Why the hell not!