| - Staff needs training big time.
Brought my daughter in for allergy testing. After the 3rd series of lung tests (blow blow blow), I heard the RN Brenda (right next to me) tell a worker that the girl doing the testing is not having them take a deep breaths at the end correctly, and that she has NOT been doing it right all morning, as she points to my daughter getting her test done. I was totally waiting for someone to tell the girl giving the tests so my daughter could do it again properly. nope. It is what it is a guess. But...
After the testing was complete, an employee comes in and says my daughter is highly reactive to trees and pollen, hands me a packet on immunotherapy and says "this is what you have to do". bottom line $1000 plus a year for 3 to 4 years, shots 1 to 3 times a week. I ask questions. She says, ok you are all set, hang on a minute, and leaves. I'm in SHOCK that things are this bad, expensive and trying to figure out how i am going to take her out of school and leave work 1 to 3 times a week for the therapy. Why are they not open on a Saturday to accommodate people? After a few minutes discussing with my daughter and calming her down, I decide I am going to assert myself and INSIST on seeing the doctor again for more information. Well after 5 minutes alone in the room waiting for someone to check us out, the doctor came in the room to explain everything. We are not doing the shots and try to control with over the counter meds.